My 2019 Year End Review - Part 1

2019 has been a crazy ride for me both professionally and personally.

I want to share with you exactly what worked well for me and what didn't so that you can learn from my journey.

This year, I made a major shift in my business and how I make money.

I invested $20k in hiring coaches and mentors.

I’m not gonna lie, it was scary at first.

So scary that I had a bout of anxiety for a few days....but in order to grow your business to the next level, you have to take risks.

Staying safe will keep you where you are for a long time. I learned that this year.

That anxiety quickly disappeared once I made my money back and tripled my monthly revenue as a result of working with these coaches.

For one of the coaching programs, I flew out to Santa Monica, CA for a 2 day event.

I met so many successful business owners there who were making half a million in revenue and higher....this really inspired me.

Being at an in person event makes a huge difference when it comes to getting work done and focusing.

I hit a quarter of million dollars in digital products sales.

My membership site and online courses have generated over a quarter of a million dollars. This was a huge accomplishment for me (and I’m just getting started).

I automated the sales process by creating a funnel. I actually have multiple funnels running now through Facebook and Pinterest.

I’ve even gotten some new clients as a result of people joining my membership site.

This year, I decided to pause new enrollments for the membership site and instead I combined it into my course Launch Your Online Agency for social media managers and digital marketers.

Now my students are getting better results because they are truly committed to the program.

There are a lot of pros and cons to having a membership site versus an online course.

(In the future, I’ll explain this in more detail).

In 2020, I am planning to launch a 12 month coaching program where I help people create and sell digital products through automated funnels....Stay tuned for more details on that!

I started offering consulting and mentoring services.

This year I did a lot of private consulting and mentoring on social media strategy. I also charged premium prices for this service.

Offering strategy and consulting is less time intensive than offering "done for you" it was a great addition to my business.

I said NO to some new client opportunities.

Now because I have recurring revenue from my digital products, I can pick and choose the clients I want to work with.

Before, because I was the breadwinner of my family, I felt like I had to take on any new client who had the budget to work with me.

Now I can choose only the clients I really align with and who I actually like working with.

I feel like have a security blanket of money coming in each month on auto-pilot.

This really helps with my anxiety and worrying about whether or not I can afford to pay team members.

I highly recommend that you consider selling some form of passive digital products.

It feels good to wake up and look at new sales coming into your Stripe account each morning without really doing anything!....I thank God for this.

I started offering Facebook Ads services.

Since my membership site success was getting noticed, I have had other coaches reach out to me about my Ads services.

So I decided to create a new service, exclusively for online coaches who are selling high ticket group programs or courses.

I'm helping them build out their Facebook Ads and create automated funnels.

Once again, I plan to be really picky about who I take on as a client.

I am so excited about this new service for my Agency!

I hired a CPA and Bookkeeping firm.

Since my revenue has grown, I decided to start using Quickbooks and I hired a new CPA / Bookkeeping firm.

Before that, I had another CPA doing my books but he was really disorganized so I let him go and hired a new firm.

What I like about them is that they are very streamlined and they offer a flat fee monthly package.

I don’t like math so I really had to outsource my bookkeeping. Now I can log into Quickbooks and see all my financials in one place.

I re-launched my podcast.

Did you know that I have a podcast?

It’s called the Roadmap to Launch and I interview primarily female agency owners and service providers who are generating six figures.

I ask them REAL questions like how did you get started? How much money do you charge?

This way, my audience can see what it really takes to grow a six figure service based business.

You can subscribe to my podcast on iTunes and Spotify or go to my website to listen.

Also stay tuned for another email from me on part 2 of my 2019 year in review.

I plan to share with you how much I paid myself in 2019....but first I need to pull that report from Quickbooks!

I am just waiting for the final revenue numbers to come out for December.


Alma Bradford

I help people start profitable online businesses that let them achieve location independence, freedom and happiness!