VIDEO: How Vera Built a 6 Figure VA and Social Media Agency


How do you go from being a busy Mom with a full-time job to becoming your own boss running a 6 figure agency with a boat load of kids at home….

Meet Vera. She is a mom with a big family - 11 kids who wanted to create her own income stream working for herself to have more time with her family.

She found out my mentoring program Launch Your Online Agency and joined it. Within her first year of working with me, she was able to get 54k in client contracts and even hit 6 figures.

Vera started her very own virtual assistant agency offering social media management, digital marketing and back end office support.

She used my strategy for pricing premium while also being able to pay herself well and her mini-team of VAs. 

In this video, Vera explains exactly how she did it. It is truly inspiring.

If you want to grow a profitable social media or digital marketing business, get on the wait list for the Launch Your Online Agency mentoring program!


Alma Bradford

I help people start profitable online businesses that let them achieve location independence, freedom and happiness!