How to Attract High Paying Clients As a Freelancer or Consultant

The goal as a freelancer or a service provider is to work with less clients at higher price points. The reason for this is simple. When you work with less clients, you will have less stress while making more money.

You only need a few clients per month to hit 10k and higher in revenue. So in order to attract higher paying clients you need to understand how they think.

You also need to change your own mindset about raising your prices. In this video,

In this video below, I explain in more detail how to attract higher end clients.


There are a few reasons why people invest at premium prices.

The first reason is for convenience. High paying clients want to “skip ahead of the line”. They may also pay to get something done quickly.

For example, some people will buy business class seats on an airplane instead of the economy seat.

Some client will pay more for a “VIP” service.

So your job as a service provider is to create packages that cater to this type of clients.

People also invest at premium prices to solve an urgent problem.

Or to feel better.

So when you are marketing your services, you want to speak to the “pain points” of your ideal client.

Think about what they could be struggling with, or what are they thinking about at 3am in the morning?

You should position your service as the solution to their problems in your marketing, on your website and in any content you create on social media or a marketing platform.

Spend Time In the Right Places

You should also spend time and network in places where your ideal clients are spending time.

If you are selling done-for-you services, Linkedin in a good place to network with larger clients who have bigger budgets.

Networking events that are paid are also good places to connect with potential clients.

In this video, I explain in more detail what you need to do to position yourself for higher paying clients.

Watch the video on Youtube.


Alma Bradford

I help people start profitable online businesses that let them achieve location independence, freedom and happiness!